Celebrating Small Wins…

Celebrating the small wins...

The photo is a screenshot of a Whatsapp chat between myself and one of my bootcamp clients after a recent check-in.

With their permission , I have shared this photo as it's an important win for them.

A wee injury to their back hasn't stopped them keeping on track for their goals. Which is fantastic.

The real nugget to celebrate here is the reduction in their anxiety.
I remember their first session where they were nervous and anxious about what lay ahead. Would they be able to keep up? Can they cope with the pace of the class? WTF are other people thinking? All common thoughts amongst different individuals.

Fast forward 5 weeks and they are flying. Their movement has improved, their confidence has grown and their progress is going through the roof.

Amazing job. Keep up the great work.


Boot-Camp Testimonial…


Well Done Libby!